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The Most Expensive Workers' Comp Suits for Restaurants

Mar 23, 2021

Restaurant Insurance

The Most Expensive Workers' Comp Suits for Restaurants The Most Expensive Workers' Comp Suits for Restaurants

The restaurant industry has many inherent obstacles. In addition to operational challenges, owners must address employee safety in a busy and bustling environment. Ensuring a safe workplace requires proper training, detailed procedures, a good restaurant insurance program, and other protections. Workers' comp suits can be highly costly for restaurants, with most of the expenses stemming from the five top lawsuit types. Understanding which claims are likely to arise helps you know where your clients should invest their time and resources to prevent on-the-job injuries.

Which Insurance for Restaurant Business Is Right for Your Clients?

Workers' compensation protects restaurant owners, but it does not cover all the possible risks. To determine the best liability insurance policies and preventative programs for those in the hospitality industry, consider the most expensive restaurant claim types:

  • Slips and Falls: Injury claims resulting from trips, slips, and falls make up almost half of total restaurant claims. These lawsuits amount to significant expenses for restaurant owners.
  • Cuts and Lacerations: The S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a rate of 17.0 per 10,000 full-time employees who suffered cut and laceration injuries that required time off from work in 2017.
  • Burns: Foodservice locations have many potential burn hazards within the workplace. Approximately one-third of all workers' compensation burn claims stem from restaurant worker injuries.
  • Handling materials: A notable number of lawsuits against restaurants emerge from employees becoming injured while manually lifting items at work. These suits result in costly settlement expenses for owners.
  • Struck By: These claims arise when another object within the work environment collides with staff members. In a fast-paced job with many people and much movement, these accidents can happen if proper safety protocols are not in place.

How Does a Restaurant Insurance Program Manage Risks?

At RMS Hospitality Group, our restaurant insurance brokers are experts in the hospitality industry, providing clients with a valuable perspective for their insurance needs. Each business type has unique regulations and rules that affect liability. We know restaurants, and we know insurance, giving owners an effective risk management program that reduces their claims expenses.

By assessing the most expensive claims, we can advise customers about which areas need increasing safety measures to help prevent accidents:

  • Employers should require kitchen staff to use personal protective equipment like oven mitts, aprons, and safety gloves to prevent burns.
  • Your clients can reduce accidents due to falls by requiring employees to wear slip-resistant shoes and making sure floors are free of grease spills.
  • Your customers need to train food preparers on safe knife handling skills and have them wear safety gloves.
  • Additionally, our insurance policies protect restaurants when mishaps occur by providing coverage that mitigates legal claims' costs.

Restaurants, bars, and kitchens are full of hazards that can cause misfortunes and workers' comp suits. By providing owners with the right liability insurance, encouraging safety training, and ensuring a safe workplace, your clients can reduce claims and expenses.

About RMS Hospitality Group

At RMS Hospitality Group, our expertly crafted policies are written specifically for the hospitality industry. We offer custom tailored solutions to meet any venue's specific needs. For more information, contact our knowledgeable experts today at (888) 359-8390.

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